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Oaks Backport Release
A Minecraft Java Mod backport
Welcome to 2025! lets start with a new mod that brings all the modern features of Minecraft to 1.20.1 Forge
New Features
Added cold, warm and muddy variants for the Pig
Added Wildflowers block
Added Leaf Litter block
Added Pale Garden Biome, Pale Oak Tree, Moss, Carpet and Hanging Moss
*** Added Pale Garden Biome
*** Added Pale Oak Wood Type
*** Added the Creaking
*** Added Wolf Varients
*** Added Possible Wolf Armour
*** Added Armadilo
*** Added Bogged
*** Added Breeze
*** Added Trial Chambers
*** Added Copper and Tuff Variation
Pale Garden
The Pale Garden has been added and Improved compared to the vanilla version of the garden! With a 4.375% chance of generating.
Pale Oaks Tree's generates
Creaking Heart blocks can generate in Pale Oaks, causing Creakings to spawn at night
Eyeblossoms generate on the ground
Pale Moss blocks/carpet generated on the ground here
Animal mobs do not spawn naturally in Pale Gardens however hostile mobs do
Using the seed 3515201313347228787 when creating a new world will spawn the player next to a Pale Garden
Pig Variants
New Pig variants have been added, the variant is determined by the biome they spawn in
Temperate Pig - The Pig we are all familiar with
Spawns by default where the cold and warm Pig variants do not spawn
Cold Pig - A variant that spawns in the following biomes:
Old Growth Pine Taiga
Old Growth Spruce Taiga
Snowy Taiga
Windswept Hills
Windswept Gravelly Hills
Windswept Forest
Warm Pig - A variant that spawns in the following biomes:
Savanna Plateau
Windswept Savanna
Sparse Jungle
Bamboo Jungle
Eroded Badlands
Wooded Badlands
Muddy Pig - A variant that spawns in the following biomes:
When bred by a player, a baby Pig variant will be chosen by the current biome
Wildflowers are a new type of flower which grow in Birch Forests, Old Growth Birch Forests and Meadows
Wildflowers can have different amounts of flowers in one block space
Up to four Wildflowers can be placed in the same block space
Placing a Wildflower into an already placed Wildflowers block increases the amount of flowers
Using Bone Meal on Wildflowers will produce more Wildflowers
Wildflowers can be placed in four orientations
Wildflowers can be crafted into Yellow Dye
Leaf Litter
Leaf Litter is a new type of decorative block which can be found in the Forests, Dark Forests and Wooded Badlands
Leaf Litter can have different amounts of leaves in one block space
Up to four Leaf Litter pieces can be placed in the same block space
Placing a Leaf Litter into an already placed Leaf Litter block increases the amount of leaves
Leaf Litter can be placed in four orientations
Leaf Litter can be created by smelting any type of Leaves block
Leaf Litter can be used as fuel for smelting
Leaf Litter has unique block sounds
Lodestones have a new crafting recipe and can now be found in Ruined Portals
Lodestone Changes
The Lodestone is now crafted from 1 Iron Ingot surrounded by 8 Chiseled Stone Bricks
Lodestones can now be found as loot at Ruined Portals in the Overworld or Nether
This page is written as a paradoy of Minecraft Java Snapshots 25w02a, as this mod is intended to replicate the vanilla features of 1.21+