1.0 Introduction

This title is still under development and the title has not yet been picked out. When the world goes to shit and everyone you love was turned into a zombie, well you grab your guns and teddy bears and slaughter a brunch of fucking zombies, test your limits and see how long you can survive.

Use the content to quickly Navigate to which area you need.

As of the 26/06/2023, the game is finally available in private play test, to get started with this you must sign a NDA which will be provide in the file, failing to do so will mean anything you currently hold is "stolen".

Download File: N?A

Most Recent Patch Notes: N?A

View All patch Notes: Here

2.0 Player Stuff

2.1 Debug Commands

Hidden Walls - Disables/Enables any Hidden Walls, including any hidden hitboxes to make them visible to the player.

gizmos - Disables/Enables Hidden Gizmos, this allows the lights, spawn location and few other things to be visible.

cursor - Disables/Enables cursor, useful when the cursor isn't showing up when it should, or its showing it when it shouldn't, also locks it to the centre.

2.2 Player Commands

addpoints - add points to a set amount, useful if testing out the shop but its a little short.

setpoints - set points to a set amount, useful if testing out the shop but you need an exact amount.

spawn <item-ID> - spawn objects, using the item ID, you can spawn in a items, and creatures for testing

2.3 World Commands

zombieSpawn - Disables/Enables zombie Spawn, this will also disable the round starting timer.

2.4 Debug Keybinds

F1 = Debug Consolelog

F2 = Debug Screen

F3 = Screenshots (for dev use)

F4 = Debug Console Commands

F5 = Debug Third Person

F10 = Open/Close Controls

Num+ & Num- = throwable change

2.5 Player Keybinds

X = Freelook

LCTRL = Crouch

Z = Purchase

Space = Throw throwable weapon

R = Reload

RMB = Aim

LMB = Fire

Q/E = Lean left and right

L = Flashlight

V = Cycle Sights

B = Point aim

3.0 Points System

4.0 Features

4.1 Current Features

Purchasing System:

The player starts every round with 500 points, here the player can choose to go and unlock areas or purchase and upgrade weapons, every hit or damage done to the zombie rewards the player with 10+ Points.

Purchasing Weapons:

By visiting different areas of the map, weapons can be found on the wall, when purchasing them, it gives you the weapon, if you already purchased the gun, for half price you can purchase more ammo

Upgrade Weapons:

By visiting an Upgrade Station, the player can upgrade the weapon they are holding, which heightens the damage, and max ammo amount, it can also apply some attachments such as; Flashlights.

Wave Round system:

As of the first playtest, the wave-biased system is currently buggy and will cause lag at higher rounds, as of right now, as each game progresses, "1+" new zombies will be added to the spawn amount, as the round starts all zombies for that round will be force to spawn at random points. Later I want to make it so that they spawn in groups instead of all at once.

4.2 Planned Features

5.0 Maps / Gamemodes

6.0 Upcoming Updates


Due to this title still being in development, there are restrictions on what you may and may not do with your copy and information about the title. by being a part of the playtesting team, you may not disclose any information including screenshots, Game Names, versions or any titles, you are also not allowed to disclose any features, or mission/map names, or future or developed game modes. You also may not disclose, distribute or sell any development builds from indev, alpha or beta, without direct permission.

All builds of the games are protected under the Copyright Act of 1968 and are protected by ContinuedOak and SystemSwitch Studio.

8.0 Photos and Videos

8.1 Photos

Normal Menu

Christmas Snow Menu

Halloween Menu

8.2 Videos

9.0 Road Map