Feb23 Update

As of recently, my activity in mod development has been minimal due to starting game development, I have always wanted to make a game and now I am doing that unfortunately means a lot of my spare time is now being used elsewhere. I've tried to maintain my mods as best as I can, although, I am only one person, with only so much limited time, in the ideal world I can be updating both my mods and working on a game at the same time.

Going forward there will be a bit of a change, with both my mods and the approach I take, as I financially can't support another developer as of now I must stay solo, ill need to manage my time more optimally, but I'm hoping in the future I'll be able to hire another developer to split the workload with. My mods will no longer be updated monthly but instead updated bi-monthly to hopefully allow time for both my mods and my game, another change is as much as I personally use fabric, I'll be temporarily stopping development for the fabric version, until further notice, I will bring it back just its cause more issue than to work on the forge version.

In case your wondering with Minecraft 1.20 coming soon, I have been trying to get my mods ready for the transition and working to update it but it will not be as quick as the other mods. I will also be discontinuing “Oaks Enchantments”