The Simpson Hit and Run: Fan Recreation

(Saturday 17th September 2022)

DISCLAIMER; This project is for learning process educational purposes only. all rights reserved to The Simpsons Hit and Run 2003, I do not own the rights to publish this anywhere, some content within contains my own custom-made textures.

On Augest the 15th 2022, the New Zealand YouTuber Reubs posted the video "How I Remade The Simpsons Hit and Run in a Week" where he remakes "The Simpsons Hit and Run" within the Unreal 5 Game Engine, his video reached 7.7 million views (as of the time of writing this), which inspired him to continue development with the game. After watching ''Remaking The Simpsons Hit and Run, But its Open World #1", I became inspired myself to take this challage, and so I began Developerment.

I grew up playing this game, and thought this could be the perfect project for me, as I have never developed a game before, using this game as a learning experience for when I'm ready to start development with my dream game, Uncanny Valley.

To say the development process was hard is an understatement, as a Minecraft mod developer, this was difficult, some of the issue I ran into was, requiring an changing of engines, rendering pipelines, upscaling textures, remodeling the list can go on, non the less I have continued with the development, and I would like to document the progress.

First Month in and this is what I have so far.

  • Open Kwik-E-Mart

  • Fully textured and partly detailed map

  • Dynamic Daylight Cycle

  • Fully Animated Details

  • Working moving plateforms

  • Basic Ai inside the Power Plant

I have a lot of plans for the game and I cannot wait to do them, for the last week I haven't stopped development, even doing it while writing this, so I'm excited. my plan is to recreate the map as close as I can then upgrade it from there, redesign each house to be enterable on foot, bringing new gameplay features and brand new mission like doing some jobs for Snake or Timothy Lovejoy jr.

but those are end game style plans, which I'm doing solo so my goal for the next week is to get a working playable character, coin collection system and basic Ai, along with some smaller ones like:

  • Applying the in-game UI.

  • Working Saving and Loading.

  • Working Cars.

please enjoy some screenshots from within (UNITY)